CNI News

1 Dec 2022

The sales of lottery tickets have risen by about 50,000 booklets at the 45th Aung Bar Lay Lottery, compared with its sales last month, according to Aung Bar Lay Lottery Branch.

The sales of the lottery have dropped to more than 200,000 booklets since the political changes in February, 2022 but the sales hit 390,000 booklets last month, according to lottery ticket sellers.

During the 44th lottery sales, only about 340,000 booklets were sold out.

As it is easier to claim the MMK 500 million prize in cash and new MMK 10,000 prizes were added for tickets that have the same alphabet and only one the same number as the winning numbers, the sales have risen, U Kyaw San, a lottery ticket agent, told the CNI.

He said, "The government has started offering the MMK 500 million prize in cash payout immediately. In the past, it was siad that cash prizes were not offered immediately. Now, it is easy to claim the prizes. Another factor is the offering new prizes for tickets that have the same alphabet and only one the same number as the winning number. As there are more winners of small prizes, they buy more tickets, increasing the sales by 50,000 booklets."

Lottery ticket buyers at a lottery shop.

Before the political changes occurred, the lottery sales hit 42 alphabets but it has fallen to only 10 alphabets at present.

As the lottery ticket sales have recovered, he hoped that the government would be able to offer MMK 1000 million prizes soon, a lottery agent told the CNI.

He said, "As the lottery tickets rose this month, the government will be able to offer more prizes. So, ticket sales will rise again and more people will buy more lottery tickets. I think the government will be able to offer MMK 1000 prizes soon."

Lottery tickets are mostly sold in Yangon Region, Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay Region, Rakhine State and Bago Region, according to lottery agents.

The grand prize of the lottery is MMK 500 million and more prizes will be offered on 1st December lottery opening, the lottery branch announced.