CNI News

29 Nov 2022

Thailand has refused to renew expiring work permits and visas of Myanmar workers who have completed the six-year's term of the MOU, labour activists for Myanmar workers in Thailand told the CNI.

Thailand is likely to be forcing the workers to undergo the MOU process again, labour activists in Thailand told the CNI.

Adviser U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI, "The majority of the workers said that they were denied new work permits and visas even under the arrangements of their factories, workshops and companies. Whether Thai authorities will renew the work permits and visas for them depends on employers. If their employers continue to provide jobs for their workers, who have tried hard for their business success, they will do something. Under the terms of the MOU, workers are allowed to work in Thailand for two years. They can extend another two-year's term. However, they were allowed to work in Thailand even after they had worked for four years due to COVID-19. Some of them have worked in Thailand for five to six years. So, they will have to return to Myanmar and sign new job contracts. Now, cases of COVID-19 have significantly dropped. They will have to work again under the terms of the MOU. Therefore, the majority of the workers said that they denied renewals."

Thai authorities have not announced the requirement officially but the majority of the workers who have worked in Thailand for six years have been denied renewals of the work permits and visas, according to labour activists in Thailand.

Migrant workers entering Thailand. (Reuters)

Such workers are required to sign new contracts if they want to continue to work in current jobs, Labour In-charge U Min Oo of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI.

Those who denied work permits and visas failed to sign new contracts with their employers, he added.

"In the past, authorities extended their work permits and visas because rules and regulations were eased due to COVID-19. The best way for them is to sign new job contracts with their employers before going to renew the documents. Otherwise, they will be denied the renewals. Admission for new workers has expired. Some agents can help renew their permits and visas but it costs a lot of money. If they do not want to return to Myanmar, it is important for them to get an official document. Otherwise, they will have to be detained and deported to Myanmar in accordance with the law. Currently, immigration authorities are launching operations against transnational crime and scum syndicates. They are making arrests," U Min Oo told the CNI.

As there are a large number of Myanmar workers who have worked under the MOU for six years and it is difficult for them to go back to Myanmar, according to labour activists.

Currently, sending Myanmar workers under the MOU has been delayed because of security issues along the road and only a few of them have arrived in Thailand.

There will also be delays for workers who have to return to Myanmar to come back to Thailand again, according to labour activists.

Therefore, Thai employers should demand their government to issue official documents for their workers, they said.