CNI News

22 Nov 2022

Amid calls for withdrawal of the military from politics, Myanmar pundits have been debating issues over prior political agreements to be sought from the junta and implemented to pave the way for the withdrawal.

The way can be paved for the military to withdraw from politics by establishing regular civil-military relations but it is unlikely to do so currently as it has been involved in politics since 1962, Chairman U Ko Ko Gyi of the People's Party told the CNI.

Gen Yawd Serk and Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

He told the CNI, "Involvement of the military in politics is inconsistent with democratic norms. To be a genuine democracy, parliament must be formed only with elected representatives. It is our political objective. However, the military has played a dominant role in politics since 1962 due to the unique nature of our country. So, it is unlikely to withdraw from politics at present. I think we will have to pave the way for the military to withdraw from politics by trying to establish regular civil-military relations when political stability has been restored gradually."

Some ethnic armed organizations said that they would join peace talks after the military has withdrawn from politics.

Vice Chairperson Daw Saw Mya Yazar Ling of the Arakan Liberation Party told the CNI, "The constitution is vital. The constitution is just a book, which must be respected by people. It is important to enforce the constitution. It is about the division of power between the union and states. Ethnic revolutionary organizations are fighting for self-governance and development of their regions. So, how to negotiate power sharing is important."

 A protest against the military. (Frontier MYanmar)

Political parties have called on the military for its withdrawal from politics at the National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee and the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee.

Chairman U Thar Tun Hla of Arakan National Party told the CNI, "I don't think the military will agree to withdraw from politics. So, all stakeholders must be firm on building a federal democracy and seek political agreements. After reaching political agreements, they will have to build a federal democracy as soon as possible. Only then, will the political crisis be over. If the view of a particular group is implemented, the political crisis cannot be resolved. So, important stakeholders must try to reach political agreement, which must be implemented as soon as possible to overcome the current crisis."

The military has the right to appoint 25 percent of all parliament representatives.

It is stipulated in the section 6 (f) of constitution that the Union shall enable the defence services to be able to participate in the national political leadership role of the State.

Some political observers view that not only the military but also ethnic armed organizations should withdraw from politics. Otherwise, the military's withdrawal from politics is unlikely.