CNI News

11 Nov 2022

As Myanmar has signed an MOU to export fishery products to Russia through the G-to-G system, the country is eyeing to mainly export Panamei white shrimp to Russia, Vice Chairperson Daw Toe Nandar Tin of the Myanmar Fisheries Federation told the CNI.

Russia has offered to import Panamei white shrimp from Myanmar, according to Daw Toe Nandar Tin.

She said, “It is a species of saltwater white shrimp known as Panamei. They have fish for such seafoods but they cannot raise the white shrimp because it is too cold in their country. I visited the country to study the market. So, I told them that we can export the shrimp to them. So, we will be able to mainly export the shrimp to them because we always breed white shrimp and export them for a long time. If they can accept the protocol we propose, we can export the shrimp at once. It only depends on the buyer from their side and seller from our side. We just need to negotiate the production and demand.”

Natural white shrimp in Myeik.

Although the two governments have signed an MOU to trade through the G-to-G system, there remain many issues including the currencies to be used in trading between them.

Panamei white shrimp is a major product of the Myeik Archipelago and shrimp-breeding in the area can be expanded, Secretary U Thet Soe of the Tanintharyi Region Fisheries Federation told the CNI.

“If we can penetrate into their market, shrimp breeding farmers will be able to expand their business and job opportunities will be created for local people. The government will get more revenue. It will be the first time Myanmar penetrates into the Russian seafood market on a trial basis. China imports the white shrimp through the G-to-G system. If we can export the shrimp to China directly, we will get more income. We can get higher prices. Now, we are exporting the shrimp through brokers and cannot get as higher prices as we want. The Chinese Commercial Counsellor will come to Myeik tomorrow for negotiations to export the shrimp from Myanmar to China directly. Chinese experts will also visit Myeik to scrutinize the GACC. If they approve, we will be able to export white shrimp to China directly. The Chinese market is a huge market.”

Currently, Panamei white shrimp fetch as much as US$ 6,000 per ton in China.

 Kyunsu shrimp breeding farm.

Panamei white shrimp are bred in more than 2,000 acres of land in Tanintharyi Region and plans are underway to expand the white shrimp breeding on 60,000 acres of land in Dawei, Myeik, Bokepyin and Kawthaung districts.

If standards are met in breeding, Panamei white shrimp can be exported to Thailand certainly, Daw Toe Nandar Tin Told the CNI.

“She said, “We have already approved the deal and the protocol. We have shrimp-breeding ponds and processing factories. If they approve the protocol, we can export the shrimp immediately. As the protocol is being used in exporting the shrimp to China, Russia can also approve it. Such systems are in place in our country. In the past, the EU inspected our farms and processing factories and issued approvals. If our farms and processing factories meet their standards, we can export our shrimp to other countries.”

Currently, Myanmar is exporting fishery products to more than 40 countries including the EU and earned US$ 407 million in 2022-23 fiscal year, according to the Ministry of Commerce