CNI News

4 Nov 2022

Although Myanmar exports macadamia seed to China every year, the country has not been able to export the seed to its neighbour due to transportation issues, according to the Myanmar Macadamia Association.

China offered to import macadamia seeds from Myanmar but the country has not been able to export macadamia seed due to instabilities along the transportation route, Vice Chairman U Win Aung of the association told the CNI.

 A border gate between China and Myanmar. (CGTN)

He said, “We can’t do anything. China frequently closes its border gates. It was also impossible to export the seeds to Thailand due to instabilities and other problems. When transportation routes to Thailand were reopened, Thai merchants wanted to import ground seeds. We want to export the seeds to China and Chinese merchants want to import the seeds but the route has not been reopened. So, we have started selling the seeds to Thailand.

One ton of macadamia seed fetches as much as MMK 4 million. However, merchants have not been able to export the seeds for three years due to COVID-19 and instabilities.

A border gate between Thailand and Myanmar.

Although Thailand wants to import macadamia seeds from Myanmar, farmers have not been able to do so as they do not have standard mills to grind the seeds, U Tun Lin, a macadamia farmer in Ywargnan told the CNI.

He told the CNI, “They do not want to grind the seeds by themselves and prefer to import the seed endosperms. Endosperms of seeds fetch higher prices but it is difficult for us to grind the seeds. We can get less than 300 Kg endosperms from one ton of the seeds. As we do not have standard grinding machines, the endosperms were broken and we suffered losses. So, no one can export the seeds to Thailand.”

   Myanmar macadamia fruits and farmers. (Myanmar Nuts Macadamia)

Currently, macadamia seeds are being distributed to local markets and it is popular among the public because it is beneficial for skin health.

In October, Myanmar exhibited its macadamia seed at a trade fair in France and was able to attract buyers, according to the Myanmar Fruits and Flowers Producers and Merchants Association.

About 300,000 acres of macadamia is grown in Pyin Oo Lwin in Mandalay Region and Ywarngan, Lawksawk and Nawngkhio in Shan State and farmers are expanding the total acreage. Myanmar produces 10,000 tons of macadamia seed annually.