CNI News

2 Nov 2022

Acting President Duwa La Shila of the National Unity Government has called on the All Burma Student Democratic Front for continued support for the Spring Revolution as a pioneer of the revolutionary generations.

The acting president said in his video address on the 34th Anniversary of the founding of the ABSDF, which falls on 1st November that he was proud that the ABSDF had been able to stand steadfastly on the path of the people’s democracy revolution.

The acting president said, “We must study the past revolutionary experience to draw strength from best examples and learn lessons from mistakes. I am extremely proud that the ABSDF has been able to stand on the path of the people’s democracy revolution. I would like to urge the ABSDF to teach Spring Revolution new generations how to build strong military units with far-sightedness. The ABSDF has been able to offer assistance to and cooperate with the new generations of the Myanmar Spring Revolution in various sectors. I would like to call on the ABSDF for continued support for the Spring Revolution as a pioneer of the revolutionary generations.”

The 34th Anniversary Ceremony of the ABSDF in progress.

He added that the ABSDF has matured by its experience and ideology of armed struggle.

Spokesperson Comrade Aye Lwin of the ABSDF told the CNI, “The Spring Revolution plays an important role in in the fight against the military dictatorship. So, I would like to reiterate that we will join hands with all who have been participating in the Spring Revolution in the fight. We need to build unity among all revolutionary forces including the forces of the Spring Revolution to uproot the military dictatorship. We need support of the international community and necessary resources.”

Comrades from the ABSDF.

The ABSDF has built the bridge between the Bamar ethnic group and non-Bamar ethnic groups, said Chairman U Aung Moe Zaw of the Democratic Party for New Society.

He said, “With the entire country calling for federal democracy in the streets, I think comrades from the ABSDF paved the way for federal democracy more than 30 years ago.”

The ABSDF was founded on 1st November, 1988 by students, workers and youth who took part in the 8888 movement and left for border areas.

The ABSDF is a signatory to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement but supports the forces of the Spring Revolution to topple the military.