CNI News

1 Nov 2022

The Lisu National Development Party (Crossbow Party) is preparing to contest the general election slated for 2023, Chairman U Shwe Min told the CNI.

However, the chairman was not sure whether elections will take place in constituencies where their people reside.

U Shwe Min said, “It mainly depends on the decisions of the Union Election Commission along with the security conditions. If the UCE decide election should take place in out areas, we will contest elections.

    An election campaign of the LNDP.

We still don’t know how the UEC will decide and how the UEC will hold the elections. What we know is that elections will be held in 2023 and the proportional representation system will be introduced. However, we still don’t know whether the elections will be held based on township or district systems. The commission has not informed us of anything officially. So, it is difficult for us to say anything exactly. The government and the UEC know what they will do. We are just getting ready for the elections.”

The LNDP will hold a party conference in December, 2022 to contest the elections to be held by the SAC.

The UEC announced that the PR system will be introduced in the upcoming elections.

There are fewer chances for ethnic minorities to get elected to the parliament, U Shwe Min said.

An election campaign of the LNDP.

He said, “As far as we know, the UEC will introduce the PR system in the upcoming elections. The system can prevent the party dictatorship or control but offer fewer chances for ethnic minority parties. We will win in our townships under the FPTP system because the townships are resided by our people. If the PR system is based on district, it is difficult for our ethnic minorities to get elected to the parliament."

The LNDP contested in the general elections held in November, 2020 and won two seats.

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing promised to hold a fresh general election in August, 2023 and to transfer power to the winning party.