CNI News

20 Oct 2022

Anchoring on self-interests of individual groups will shrink the Spring Revolution and hamper a strong public revolution, Acting President Duwa La Shila of the National Unity Government said.

The acting president made the remarks at the NUG meeting on 19th October.

The acting president said, “Our revolutionary spirit must overcome factionalism and personal prejudices. It is also necessary to avoid seeking short-term interests in relations in the coalition. Anchoring on self-interests of individual groups will shrink the Spring Revolution and hamper it from becoming a strong people’s revolution. I would like to urge all to strengthen the coalition with farsightedness and high moral grounds.”

An NUG meeting.

Then, he warned of building a coalition with narrow views and approaches.

The acting president said, “The main focus of today’s meeting is relations in the coalition. It is evident to all that the Spring Revolution of Myanmar is being launched based not on the policies of individual organizations but on the policies of all of them. We must uphold inclusive policies and practically cooperate unitedly to strengthen the coalition and carry out the activities of the coalition.”

There are weaknesses in the coalition relations and approaches of the NUG over the partnership with EAOs, General Secretary Brig-Gen Tar Phone Kyaw of the TNLA said in an interview with Myanmar Now.