CNI News

19 Oct 2022

As Malaysian authorities are intensifying the arrests of illegal migrant workers due to political rivalries and the upcoming election, Myanmar migrant workers are facing hardship in the country, Myanmar communities told the CNI.

General Secretary of an association offering assistance for Myanmar migrant workers in Malaysia said, “Authorities are currently targeting factories and workers have to live carefully. However, illegal workers are required to take them into account because they have to work for their living. Those who are working legally in Malaysia do not need to worry about such problems.”

Myanmar workers in Malaysia have difficulty receiving treatments in hospital and clinicsin the country even in normal period and it is more difficult for them to do so as the situation is deteriorating, he said.

As the arrests were intensified, some organization which were helping Myanmar workers suspended their operations, forcing Myanmar workers to suffer problems, Steven of the Alliance of Chin Refugees (ACR) told the CNI.

He said, “There are ethnic communities in Malaysia. If someone from a community is detained, the relevant community or the government warn them of the danger. All refugees in Malaysia are required to be under the protection of the UNHCR.

When political changes take place, Malay authorities detain illegal migrant workers and receive billions in fines, U Chit Kaung told the CNI.

When the illegal workers are granted permits to work in Malaysia, each of them have to pay about 2,800 Ringgits.